
Flashback to Summer 2023 when I realized quite literally everyone in my life is either dedicating their ears to a podcast or book (possibly both) and here I am putting my Spotify in one of the top accounts under the column “oh, did you know there’s more music in existence than this playlist you made two years ago”?

So I downloaded Audible. Then I joined the Book Club group text. Then I went to the library. Then I downloaded Libby. Then Goodreads. Then I set up a reading goal. Then I passed said reading goal by, like, 10.

It spiraled a little. Ok, so it spiraled a lot.

But honestly, when your kids are old enough not to stick fingers in an electrical socket and you’re like “hey I could be holding a book right now and everyone would still be alive” you start to think about reading again. Even more honesty: when you’re back to reading and fiction gems are being released like Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros you’re going to be hooked and really there’s no ifs ands or buts about it.


This really isn’t a blog post about book recommendations (although, if you’re into it feel free to DM me at your own peril. I will blow up your inbox with 1,000 texts about the books I’ve read over the last year-ish).

This is a blog post about bookmarksssssss

Even though most of the world is operating on a Kindle and/or Airpods, I find myself still really loving holding a physical book and really freaking out the little old guy working at the dealership when I’m reading an-actual-page-book waiting for my oil change, yes that happened and it was a 20 minute conversation I was really trying to end SO THAT I COULD READ but that’s neither here-nor-there.

I found myself constantly losing little bookmarks - using receipts, folding pages *GASP* and I even returned a library book with one of my makeshift bookmarks still in it.

Super randomly, my mom has started painting again (that’s not the random part) the random part is that she was like “I decided to paint a bookmark” and I’m just sitting over here wondering how I could be this dense that it literally didn’t even occur to me to make bookmarks. So while I have loved doing this, this idea did not come to me - I completely stole it from mom. Sorry, mom. Oh, happy upcoming Mother’s Day too.



Chalk Pastel Portrait Practice


St Jude Fundraising 2023